Real Time Agent Assist

Say the right thing with real time contextual analysis and agent prompting as conversations are taking place.

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Real Time Agent Assist

Each month, even modest sized organizations interact with thousands or tens of thousands of clients in real time. Advisors and contact center agents are expected to follow numerous scripts, react to issues and scenarios that evolve rapidly, and unfortunately have high levels of personnel turnover in many instances. Based on the Talos platform, Real Time Agent Assist brings active assistance capabilities into contact centers and ensures customer-facing personnel deliver consistent and compliant message.

Features and benefits

Dynamic Sentiment Analysis
The only platform in the market that calculates and visualizes sentiment as it trends within an interaction. Allows advisors and supervisors to see how a call or interaction is proceeding in real-time
Best-Practice Prompts
As a call or interaction progresses, Talos is uniquely able to understand the key topics in real-time and provides agents with recommendations of critical content or best-practice answers to the customer’s inquiry.
Active Compliance Checklist
Present agents with a dynamic compliance or disclosure checklist that updates during the interaction to highlight and track proper protocol in real time.
Real-Time Metrics
Allow business leaders to immediately see trends with speech-based interactions; intervene as needed or develop new content and processes.
Deliver support for real-time scenarios in 40 different languages, including Global English, Spanish, Japanese, and German.
Instant Call Evaluations
Improve performance by presenting agents with automated QA evaluations and call scorecards upon call completion.


Product Brief

Technology Brief

Compliance and Conduct Brief

Want to help your agents say the right thing?

Interested in what we can do for you? Please get in touch and we will be glad to help.